Relay FM Announced

My IRL buddy Stephen Hackett and my internet friend Myke Hurley officially announced their new podcast network Relay FM today. Here's how Myke and Stephen summarize the launch:

It makes sense for us to have a single home for all of our work; starting a network is the right decision for us. At launch, we are featuring four returning shows and one new one. We have lots of plans for the future, and can't wait to get to work making those dreams a reality.

I've been anticipating whatever would come next for these guys since they departed 5by5 in July and can't wait to see what the future holds for Relay FM. I'm a huge fan of independent creators and am so glad to see the fruit of Stephen and Myke's labor going public today. It's hard to believe that it was just June of 2013 when I interviewed Stephen about the transition of The 512 Podcast into The Prompt and now we'll have Connected in it's place. It's been amazing to watch the transformation and growth of my favorite subsection of podcasts and I can't wait to see what's coming next.

You can read more about the launch of Relay FM and it's newest show Analog, from Stephen, Myke and Casey Liss and should keep your eyes on Relay FM's site to find out more about the network as it grows.

Independence Day

Big week.

It's a great day to hang out by the pool with friends and family and enjoy some homemade food. That's what I'll be doing today. It'll be a fantastic close to what will hopefully be a milestone week in our family's life.

As of this week I'm going independent with my career.

I've long held a small number of clients and provided technical consulting and support for organizations that can't justify a full time staff member. I'm going to expand that work, dedicate more time to writing here, and start learning how to develop software in order to bring some of the ideas I have to market. There'll be plenty more to share about going independent as I start to walk this risky tightrope and learn how to balance it. I may fall but I'm confident that I'll be able to sustain it.

I couldn't even think of taking this step without Courtney's amazing support and belief in me and all the encouragement that friends of mine have given me over the last 6 months or so as I've started to seriously consider this path. If you read this site right now, you're part of a very small handful of people and I thank you for your support. I can't wait to share more and see what's to come.