Project 365
I've always seen Project 365 as a daunting thing to try. There are a few people I follow online that have participated in years past and I've never been willing to challenge myself to give it a try. Stephen Hackett provides a good description of what I've always assumed as an observer:
Having completed three of these projects in the past, I can speak first-hand to the difficulty of them. Even in a world full of iPhones, it's hard at first to remember to take and post a photo every 24 hours. Subject matter has a tendency to grow stale, but I view it as a challenge to pay attention to every day's uniqueness.
This year I'm giving it a go and posting a photo a day. I'm living in a different city that I find new inspirations woven into on a daily basis. Many aspects of life are going to fluctuate this year with 2015 providing a bright outlook for Courtney, Riley and I. With what seems like a limitless amount of new experiences ahead of me here in Chicago I know that I won't have any shortage of opportunities for a photo per day. The question is whether I will be mindful enough to catch those moments with my camera.