It Was Here + Coming Home

I've attended High Point Church for roughly five years now. I spent two years searching for my church home before I started attending at High Point. A year ago I started serving as a Producer when High Point Collierville opened. The reason I waited nearly 4 years to get plugged in serving is because I've seen what it can do to you as a church goer. You pull back the curtain as you become more plugged into a church. You see behind the production and find out what the operations of the church look like. Often, there are politics and bureaucracy that can stop you cold and make you question where God is in all of it. It breaks your heart. This has happened to me in the past and it takes years to shake.

When I started serving at High Point I did so hesitantly so that I could pull back the curtain cautiously. What I found was a continuation of what High Point was on Sunday mornings. Weekly staff meetings where everyone talks openly and honestly about the successes and opportunities of the church. Love and happiness in abundance while people work and volunteer to make Christ known through the city of Memphis and beyond. It isn't fake or halfhearted or a show. It's genuine and consistent. It's Heaven on Earth. That's what we are called to be. We ARE the church.

This brings me to the crux of this post. This past week we played a video about the impact we can have through our giving and participation. Please take 11 minutes to watch this video. It will move you because it encapsulates High Point and who we are as the church in the most succinct way possible.

It Was Here

All of this is to preface something that involves High Point's growth. This Sunday is going to be a huge day in High Point's history. A lot of people came together to put together a short film to carry High Point's vision further into the world.

I'm proud that I had a small contribution in this amazing project. I was able to screen the film earlier today and want you to be there this Sunday for it's premiere during any of the services at either High Point campus. The It Was Here video above shares the impact we can have on so many people when we participate. This Sunday is going to kick off the next chapter of how you can get plugged in with High Point and do the same. Be there.