'Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey' Soundtrack

I've recently been studying for my MCSA and have found that I need quality instrumental music to keep focused without distraction. I've started listening to a lot of Jazz which has been great but I think I've just found my new study music.

This week's Tools and Toys quality linkage is all about space and is such as fun read. On the outset Chris recommends a fine pairing of music for the read; ‘Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey’ Soundtrack which I missed the first time around. Chris followed up with a separate post and more information about these 4 volumes of music from Alan Silvestri today and man am I glad he did. As enthralling as I find space, music is much more of my thing and this soundtrack merges the two in such a great way. Check out Chris's post for the full rundown of links.