Jason Snell is Everywhere

Jason Snell recently left MacWorld and looks to be flying solo. I’m stoked for Jason and look forward to continuing to see his talents unfold upon the world in new and exciting ways. He’s porting the Clockwise podcast to Relay FM along with starting a new show with Myke Hurley called Upgrade for which episode one dropped today. Today Jason launched Six Colors, his new outlet for writing. Reading the about page of Six Colors I found myself locked in tandem with Jason’s simple explanation for his love of Apple.

I’ve been using Apple’s products since I was in elementary school. And it has defined my professional life, too, since I’ve been writing about it for two decades. Apple will always be a part of me. I am one of those people who bleeds in six colors.

While I’m not a journalist, Apple is a part of me and will be forever. It’s where I met my wife, where I got fired[1] for the first time in my life and it’s the backdrop for why my profession is comprised of circuit boards and pixels instead of sauce pans and filet knives. The excerpt above is just one example of Jason’s immense talents. He’s able to hone in on something so apparent and write about it succinctly with emotional weight that’s not distracting. I’m also thrilled that he’s on his own in bringing those talents to the world without any corporate filter or distractions. I highly encourage you to subscribe to his podcasts and the Six Colors RSS feed, follow Six Colors on Twitter and read Jason’s final byline for MacWorld.

  1. Oh, that draft is just begging to be published  ↩